Category: Uncategorized

Must Be Present to Win!

I’ve talked about this before and recently it’s come into my consciousness, yet again! I let myself go to the dark side. I was worrying...

You Have One Job!

I’ve been getting the strong message lately telling me that I only have one job. That job is to be present in the moment and...

The Nature of Reality

What is the nature of reality? Is this physical world as physical as it seems, are my perceptions real? Does this physical world really mean...

Seeing Through the Illusion

This physical world seems all too real to us and can lead us to believe this is all there is. Many spiritual teachers would say...

Always Right?

Do I always have to be right? Do I always have to feel like I’m right? Do I always have to prove to someone else...

Just Be

I’m sitting here to write this blog post and getting the message to just be. Learn to just be. I don’t have to do anything...

The Spiritual Bypass

What is “The Spiritual Bypass”? This is a new age phenomenon. New agers have a tendency to want to take a shortcut to their own...


I did several readings at the recent Phoenix Psychic Fair and later in the day I started noticing that most of the words that came...