Do You Believe You Deserve It?
The other day, I was thinking about how nice it was for someone I know to have a great retirement and be going on amazing trips and having amazing experiences. Then I caught myself thinking that they had to work many long years to save a lot of money for retirement, in order to get what they wanted. They had to take certain steps to get to their goal of having an incredible retirement. They had to scrimp and save and invest…
When we have a desire, a goal, or a vision, we almost always have a set of assumptions about the steps it will take to get to that goal. We start out by putting a lot of roadblocks in our way from the very beginning. We project all of our past experiences into the future and between us and the end result. Based on what we’ve seen in the past, we think we have to take those steps or it just won’t come to fruition.
I still struggle with these concepts. In reality, the Universe does not work that way. There are no fixed set of steps we have to take to “get there”. The Universe will present the actions we need to take and make it very clear. The actions will be obvious and they will be different actions for each individual person. Everyone’s actions will not be the same or in the same order. We just have to be open to what the Universe presents us with and be very flexible and ready to change directions at a moments notice.
This is a tough one for me as a Taurus. I have always wanted stability and a good straight-forward plan. That’s just not how it works. Taurus and flexibility are a tough combination to work with, but I’m doing my best.
So, if you believe you deserve it and you have a vision for what you want, the sky’s the limit! There are no preconcieved “things to do” to get there. Just obvious actions that will be presented, when you listen. Of course, if your goal is in alignment with your soul’s desire, that will always help.