Following Our Intuition
Everyone has one. Some of us consciously listen to our intuition, some are listening on a subconscious level, some push it away, and some are completely ignoring it. Everyone has an intuition, which is really a direct pipeline from our Higher Self. Even those of us who work at ignoring the messages still end up acting on the information they receive. I believe that in some cases the people who are ignoring or actively pushing those messages away end up getting the strongest guidance. What we resist persists!
Our intuition is our guidance from the highest part of ourself. It provides the best and most accurate information that we have and that information is coming from God, Universe, Spirit. What better Source of information can there be? No matter how much worldly knowledge someone may have, there is literally millions or even billions of times as much information that is just waiting to be tapped into. Some people receive this guidance in very powerful and explicit ways, such as through visions or voices. Others of us receive this information very subtly and may even use tools (pendulums, cards, astrology, or muscle testing) in order to more clearly understand the messages.
Please understand that all of us have an intuition. All of us are psychic! And yes, some of us hold our fingers up in a cross when someone tells us this. There is nothing to fear. These gifts are a natural part of all of us. Some are naturally adept at tapping into their psychic abilities, and some of us have to cultivate these abilities.
I believe that when Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, he was really talking about his intuition or psychic abilities. Our imaginations are just another conduit into the eternal knowledge of the Universe. Anything we can imagine can be manifest and may indeed already exist somewhere in this or a parallel universe.
I encourage you to discover your own way, your own tools. Find what works for you and ignites your passion. What you feel drawn to will be your way to a stronger connection. So you can learn to trust your own inner knowledge.