I Trust the Universe and Myself
I really work hard to have trust and faith in GUS (God-Universe-Spirit). I ask for help all the time to have unlimited or limitless trust and faith. Knowing that I am not alone and that GUS always has me covered is very comforting. It means I just need to be myself and do my best and all will be well.
Then I received a message that guided me to another conclusion. And it made me see how I must be very aware of how I express my request for help. First of all, I was using the words unlimited and limitless. These are both just versions of the same root word, limit! How silly is that to use a limiting word to ask for the opposite? The word to use is INFINITE!! Our English language is so strange and that makes it even more important to pay attention to how I express myself!
I received another revelation. Along with infinite faith and trust in GUS, I need to have that same infinite faith and trust in Myself. And I capitalize Myself, because it is my Higher Self that I trust. My lower self is where all the silly thoughts and ideas live. The ones that I watch with amusement and then decide if there is anything there that actually makes any sense. On the other hand, my Higher Self doesn’t say anything until it needs to be said.
There is no separation. I am part of and one with the Infinite Universe, so I am trustworthy and deserving of my own faith.
Update: After more contemplation, I realize that I was incorrect about using “infinite”. The English language is just so complicated sometimes. Infinite is just a modification of “finite”, which is another limiting word. I did come up with two alternatives that I am hoping do not have any limiting connections to other words. Eternal and Everlasting are the terms I came up with. So, I now have eternal trust and faith in Myself and the Universe!