Projections and Judgements
“It’s none of my business what you think of me.” That is one of my mantras in life and I honestly didn’t understand it fully, until about a week ago. I had an “ah ha” moment! I was well aware of how much of my own experiences, judgements and prejudices that I project onto the world in general. I was also aware of how we all do this. The two and two that I didn’t add up was that all of my fellow human “beings” rarely see me for me. Those beings are seeing a projection or mask over my face of someone else and/or a past or feared future experience. I remind them of other people and circumstances. And putting that all together helped me to realize that I can not be concerned about what someone thinks of me. What someone else thinks of me is most likely an illusion. What I think of me and what God, The Universe and Spirit thinks of me is all that matters.
All of this has shown me how important it is for me to see others for who they truly are. Setting aside my own “stuff” is what I want to do to see the world around me in the present moment, instead of projections, judgements and prejudices from the past or even the future. I am working on this every day and I do my best to see past the illusions. When I do catch myself, I have to laugh at the craziness of this human beingness…