We are Not Our Thoughts and Feelings
For years I was under the impression that I was what I thought and felt and I was pretty afraid of those thoughts and feelings, because if I were those thoughts and feelings, that was a pretty scary concept. I don’t know about you, but I have some very strange thoughts and feelings. If I were defined by those, I would be pretty messed up.
I am happy to say that I am not my thoughts and feelings! That is such a relief. So then, what am I? Well, I am exactly what I “decide” to be. You see, I have all the control here. I decide what is true and what is not. I decide what thoughts and feelings are worth keeping and those that are just rubbish. Just because I think something doesn’t make it something that I need or want to hold on to. Just because I feel something, doesn’t mean I need to hold on to that feeling. I have the power to discard what I choose to and to keep what agrees with my true beliefs.
Of course, I needed to decide what I truly believed in, what my core principles were, before I could be in a space to decide what to keep in the first place. So simple, but this concept takes a lot of commitment to myself. To always make decisions based on what is for my best and highest good.
So next time you have some thought or feeling that you judge to be just horrible, just be present and ask yourself if this thought or feeling is true for you. Does it match your true beliefs? If it does not, then it doesn’t belong and you can just discard it, like a draft of a page of a manuscript that you don’t like.