Why am I here?
Why am I here? Why did I come to this world, this reality, this strange existence? Doctor Peebles would say that I came here to learn that there is no separation and that I am one with all. I want to express this from my own heart and in my own way.
I came here to see through all the illusions of this world. The illusions of this world show me that I am completely separate from everyone and everything. I am working very hard to see past that and to see divine reality. I am working to see that loving myself and acknowledging my divine essence is the beginning. When I can see my own divinity, I can then start to see the divinity in everyone around me.
When I am out in public, seeing all my fellow souls on their journeys, I find this very challenging. I feel my own judgements about everyone, even though I am not sure who they are or what their journey really is. I think it boils down to me understanding that no matter what form our journey manifests itself as, I and we are here to learn how to love. The rest of it is just another distraction. And we are here to love even the distractions, because we chose those distractions to challenge ourselves. The challenge is to see past all the distractions and illusions of separation and to stay in touch with our love and to then see the love all around us. It is in everyone and everything.
The distractions only keep me from the possibility of seeing a Jesus Christ standing right in front of me, ready to teach me how to live better. The distractions and judgements keep me from knowing the truth. I’m working on it. Every day is another opportunity to practice loving.
I will practice loving. Thank you for a great Blog!